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’70s Teen Pop

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Lucretia Tye Jasmine (Author)

Abba's Abba Gold

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Elisabeth Vincentelli (Author)

AC/DC’s Highway to Hell

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Joe Bonomo (Author)

The Afghan Whigs' Gentlemen

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Bob Gendron (Author)


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Patrick W. Galbraith and Jason G. Karlin (Authors)

Andrew W.K.’s I Get Wet

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Phillip Crandall (Author)

Aqua’s Aquarium

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C.C. McKee (Author)

Arcade Fire’s The Suburbs

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Eric Eidelstein (Author)

Ardit Gjebrea’s Projekt Jon

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Nicholas Tochka (Author)

Babes in Toyland’s Fontanelle

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Selena Chambers (Author)

Bea Palya's I'll Be Your Plaything

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Anna Szemere and András Rónai (Authors)

The Beach Boys' Pet Sounds

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Jim Fusilli (Author)

The Beach Boys' Smile

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Luis Sanchez (Author)

Beat Happening's Beat Happening

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Bryan C. Parker (Author)

The Beatles' Let It Be

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Steve Matteo (Author)

Bic Runga’s Drive

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Henry Johnson (Author)

Big Star's Radio City

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Bruce Eaton (Author)

Björk's Homogenic

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Emily Mackay (Author)

Blondie's Parallel Lines

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Kembrew McLeod (Author)

Bob Dylan's Highway 61 Revisited

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Mark Polizzotti (Author)

Bob Mould's Workbook

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Walter Biggins and Daniel Couch (Authors)

Body Count’s Body Count

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Ben Apatoff (Author)

Britney Spears' Blackout

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Natasha Lasky (Author)

Caetano Veloso’s A Foreign Sound

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Barbara Browning (Author)

Camp Lo's Uptown Saturday Night

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Patrick Rivers and Will Fulton (Authors)

Cardi B's Invasion of Privacy

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Ma’Chell M. Duma (Author)

Carole King's Tapestry

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Loren Glass (Author)

Cat Power's Moon Pix

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Donna Kozloskie (Author)

Chain’s Toward the Blues

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Peter Beilharz (Author)

Chico Buarque’s First Chico Buarque

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Charles A. Perrone (Author), Jason Stanyek (Editor)

The Church’s Starfish

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Chris Gibson (Author)

The Clash's Sandinista!

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Micajah Henley (Author)

Cornelius’s Fantasma

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Martin Roberts (Author)

Czeslaw Niemen's Niemen Enigmatic

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Mariusz Gradowski and Ewa Mazierska (Authors)


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Larissa Wodtke (Author)

Danger Mouse's The Grey Album

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Charles Fairchild (Author)

David Bowie's Diamond Dogs

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Glenn Hendler (Author)

David Bowie's Low

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Hugo Wilcken (Author)

dc Talk’s Jesus Freak

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Will Stockton and D. Gilson (Authors)

The Dead C’s Clyma est mort

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Darren Jorgensen (Author)

Death Metal

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T Coles (Author)

Depeche Mode's 101

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Mary Valle (Author)

Devo's Freedom of Choice

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Evie Nagy (Author)

Dil Chahta Hai Soundtrack

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Jayson Beaster-Jones (Author)

DJ Shadow's Endtroducing…

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Eliot Wilder (Author)

Dolly Parton's White Limozeen

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Steacy Easton (Author)

Duran Duran's Rio

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Annie Zaleski (Author)

D’Angelo’s Voodoo

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Faith A. Pennick (Author)

Ed Kuepper’s Honey Steel’s Gold

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John Encarnação (Author)

Édith Piaf's Récital 1961

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David Looseley (Author)

Einstürzende Neubauten's Kollaps

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Melle Jan Kromhout and Jan Nieuwenhuis (Authors)

Elliott Smith's XO

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Matthew LeMay (Author)

Elton John's Blue Moves

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Matthew Restall (Author)

Elvis Costello's Armed Forces

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Franklin Bruno (Author)

ESG's Come Away with ESG

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Cheri Percy (Author)

Flaming Lips’ Zaireeka

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Mark Richardson (Author)

Fleetwood Mac's Tusk

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Rob Trucks (Author)

Gang of Four's Entertainment!

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Kevin J. H. Dettmar (Author)

George Michael's Faith

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Matthew Horton (Author)

Geto Boys' The Geto Boys

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Rolf Potts (Author)

Gilberto Gil’s Refazenda

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Marc A. Hertzman (Author)

The Go-Go’s Beauty and the Beat

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Lisa Whittington-Hill (Author)

Guided By Voices' Bee Thousand

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Marc Woodworth (Author)

Hilltop Hoods’ The Calling

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Dianne Rodger (Author), Jon Stratton and Jon Dale (Editors)

Hole's Live Through This

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Anwen Crawford (Author)

The Isley Brothers' 3+3

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Darrell M. McNeill (Author)

Ivo Papazov’s Balkanology

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Carol Silverman (Author)

J Dilla's Donuts

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Jordan Ferguson (Author)

Jeff Buckley's Grace

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Daphne A. Brooks (Author)

Jethro Tull's Aqualung

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Allan F. Moore (Author)

John Farnham's Whispering Jack

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Graeme Turner (Author)

John Prine's John Prine

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Erin Osmon (Author)

Judy Garland's Judy at Carnegie Hall

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Manuel Betancourt (Author)

Kate Bush's Hounds of Love

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Leah Kardos (Author)

k.d. lang’ s Ingénue

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Joanna McNaney Stein (Author)

Kraftwerk’s Computer World

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Steve Tupai Francis (Author)


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Marshall Gu (Author)

Kylie Minogue's Kylie

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Adrian Renzo and Liz Giuffre (Authors)

Living Colour's Time’s Up

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Kimberly Mack (Author)

Los Rodríguez's Sin Documentos

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Héctor Fouce and Fernán del Val (Authors)

Lou Reed's Transformer

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Ezra Furman (Author)

Love's Forever Changes

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Andrew Hultkrans (Author)

Madonna’s Erotica

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Michael Dango (Author)

Madvillain's Madvillainy

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Will Hagle (Author)

Massada's Astaganaga

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Lutgard Mutsaers (Author)

Math Rock

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Jeff Gomez (Author)

MC5's Kick Out the Jams

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Don McLeese (Author)

Metallica's Metallica

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David Masciotra (Author)

Miles Davis' Bitches Brew

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George GrellaJr. (Author)

Minnie Riperton’s Come to My Garden

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Brittnay L. Proctor (Author)

My Bloody Valentine's Loveless

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Mike McGonigal (Author)

Naná Vasconcelos’s Saudades

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Daniel B. Sharp (Author)

Nas's Illmatic

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Matthew Gasteier (Author)

The National's Boxer

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Ryan Pinkard (Author)

Neil Young's Harvest

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Sam Inglis (Author)

Neue Deutsche Welle

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Claudia Lonkin (Author)

Nick Drake's Pink Moon

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Amanda Petrusich (Author)

Nirvana's In Utero

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Gillian G. Gaar (Author)

Oasis' Definitely Maybe

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Alex Niven (Author)

Odetta’s One Grain of Sand

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Matthew Frye Jacobson (Author)

Patti Smith's Horses

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Philip Shaw (Author)

Pavement's Wowee Zowee

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Bryan Charles (Author)

Pearl Jam's Vs.

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Clint Brownlee (Author)

Perfume’s GAME

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Patrick St. Michel (Author)


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Aram Yardumian (Author)

Phish's A Live One

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Walter Holland (Author)

The Pixies' Doolittle

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Ben Sisario (Author)

The Pogues' Rum, Sodomy & The Lash

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Jeffrey T. Meloy (Author)

Portishead's Dummy

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R. J. Wheaton (Author)

Prince's Sign ‘O’ the Times

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Michaelangelo Matos (Author)

Pulp's This Is Hardcore

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Jane Savidge (Author)

Radiohead's Kid A

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Marvin Lin (Author)

Radiohead's OK Computer

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Dai Griffiths (Author)

The Ramones' Ramones

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Nicholas Rombes (Author)

Regurgitator’s Unit

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Lachlan Goold and Lauren Istvandity (Authors)

R.E.M.'s Murmur

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J. Niimi (Author)

The Replacements' Let It Be

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Colin Meloy (Author)

The Rolling Stones' Some Girls

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Cyrus R.K. Patell (Author)

Roxy Music’s Avalon

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Simon Morrison (Author)

Screamfeeder’s Kitten Licks

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Ben Green and Ian Rogers (Authors)


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Ryan Pinkard (Author)

Sigur Rós’s ( )

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Ethan Hayden (Author)

Slayer's Reign in Blood

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D.X. Ferris (Author)

Sleater-Kinney's Dig Me Out

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Jovana Babović (Author)

Slint's Spiderland

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Scott Tennent (Author)

The Smiths' Meat is Murder

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Joe Pernice (Author)

Sonic Youth's Daydream Nation

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Matthew Stearns (Author)


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Ashawnta Jackson (Author)

South African Popular Music

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Lior Phillips (Author)

Steely Dan's Aja

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Don Breithaupt (Author)

Suicide's Suicide

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Andi Coulter (Author)

Supercell's Supercell featuring Hatsune Miku

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Keisuke Yamada (Author), Noriko Manabe (Editor)

Talking Heads' Fear of Music

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Jonathan Lethem (Author)

Television's Marquee Moon

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Bryan Waterman (Author)

They Might Be Giants’ Flood

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S. Alexander Reed and Philip Sandifer (Authors)

Tori Amos's Boys for Pele

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Amy Gentry (Author)


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R.J. Wheaton (Author)

Van Dyke Parks' Song Cycle

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Richard Henderson (Author)

Various Artists' DJs do Guetto

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Richard Elliott (Author)

Various Artists' Red Hot + Blue

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John S. Garrison (Author)

Vopli Vidopliassova’s Tantsi

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Maria Sonevytsky (Author)

Ween's Chocolate and Cheese

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Hank Shteamer (Author)

Wendy Carlos's Switched-On Bach

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Roshanak Kheshti (Author)

The Who's The Who Sell Out

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John Dougan (Author)

Wire's Pink Flag

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Wilson Neate (Author)

Wolokolamsker Chaussee

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Philip V. Bohlman (Author)

Young Marble Giants' Colossal Youth

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Michael Blair and Joe Bucciero (Authors)

Yuming’s The 14th Moon

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Lasse Lehtonen (Author)

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